whispering waters nurtures your capacity to navigate the waters of life by listening in and leading from your inner power and wisdom.
As a therapist and coach, I create spaces where healing and transformation is possible.

The name whispering waters was inspired by the recognition - from ancient times to today - of the tremendous healing power of water. Water represents emotions, movement, energy flowing and clearing away the old. It is often used as a metaphor for healing, compassion, cleansing, and renewal. Water expresses itself in so many different forms – the ocean, rivers, raindrops, snowflakes, waterfalls. The beautiful varied sounds of water can wash away sadness, bring calm and comforts. Did you know that 80% of our bodies are made up of water - it is a life force we can’t live without.

In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans.
— Kahlil Gibran
droplet of water on end of a leaf